Muy interesante reflexión de Mary Hodder en Napsterization sobre la evolución de la blogosfera: The Conversational Middle: Maturing of the Blogosphere.
Ante el fenómeno de los blogs muy populares que se convierten en medios de masas (broadcast style), Hodder subraya el carácter distintivo y específico de la blogosfera como espacio de conversaciones en torno a blogs de nichos temáticos:
The maturing of the blogosphere with less broadcast distribution and more conversation between people spread far and wide is a welcome and more democratic way of bringing together people who want to discuss like interests. Certainly there are still bloggers who are more highly read with more inbound links that resemble broadcasters in some ways, and who PR people will continue to try to manipulate, but still, there is a shift to conversation with more symmetric linking, and that is positive overall.
Ver también en nodos en la red: Agregar e integrar [aka The Long Tail]