La influyente analista de tecnología Chris Shipley reconoce que los blogs son algo más que una moda, y luego de haberlos ignorado, ha comenzado los suyos: Chris Shipley on Tech-Driven Change y Chris’s Product Quick Takes, y escribe un revelador artículo para Wisconsin Technology Network: The Blog Nation.
Algunos fragmentos:
blogging will have a profound impact that is not initially evident
Blogging may be the first truly disintermediated, widely distributed and democratic publishing medium
it is more than probable that bloggers will become the most influential commentators on all aspects of business and society
It’s not that having a blog enables me to publish more often, but rather than I can publish in the moment. I can post when I am most engaged with a new idea, captivated by some insight or issue. Is the frequency daily, hourly, monthly? It doesn’t matter so much when, but at what point – the point of inspiration
En su primer post, Shipley escribe:
I suspect it is not, if quantity of readership is the sole judge of a blog’s value. Blogging may not be about empowering writers, so much as that it empowers readers. And that, perhaps, is the greater value of blogs. Anyone can speak; no one has to listen.
Then again, someone may. I’ll hold out for that. For the quality, not quantity. For the power of a single idea impacting a single reader.
Parece que comienza a entenderse la naturaleza de un medio que hasta ahora había sido menospreciado, o en el mejor de los casos, visto exclusivamente bajo el prisma y los valores del sistema mediático tradicional.