En el marco de la World Association of Newspapers (WAN) que agrupa a unas 18.000 publicaciones de los cinco continentes, el exclusivo núcleo de los editores World Editors Forum (WEF) ha puesto en marcha el weblog colectivo editorsweblog.org: Practical issues and real solutions for working editors and senior newsroom executives.
El director del WEF, Bertrand Pecquerie coordinará las contribuciones de los editores del New York Times, The Times, El País, La Stampa, Aftenposten y el Yomiuri Shimbun, entre otros.
El editorsweblog se plantea como un foro para compartir experiencias editoriales y de gestión. La relación de categorías temáticas del blog muestra los intereses y las preocupaciones de los editores:
Is blogging journalism? How newspapers use the bloggers
Alliances and partnerships: which consequences in the newsrooms
Converged or diverged? The multiplatform newsroom
Making newspapers easier to read
Tabloid vs. broadsheet
Weekly supplements and the editorial staff
Visual strategies, photojournalism and the new storytelling process
New readers: how to involve them
What is newsworthy or how to reshape the future of the newspaper
Staff changes
Newspapers launches
Editors conferences and training sessions
From editorial quality to editorial measurement
New sources for Editors
Ethics and Press Freedom
Quotation of the day
Vía: New blog for the world’s editors en Journalism for Journalists.