Course: European Media Culture
Unit: New Media in Europe
Instructor: José Luis Orihuela
Plan: Calendar
Online references and recommended readings
European Information Society: Scenarios, issues and policies
EC Directorate General: Information Society and Media
EC Thematic Portal: Europe’s Information Society
EC Action Plans: i2010 (2005/10) and Media Programme (2007/13)
The new vs. old media debate: Changing paradigms and new players
10 principles of the new media scenario
European Media Landscape
Social and participatory media: When audiences become content producers
Dan Gillmor: We the Media
Chris Willis and Shayne Bowman: We Media
Videos: EPIC 2014 – Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us – Introducing the book – Because of YouTube
Tools: Facebook badge
The European contribution to the Internet: From the Word Wide Web to Quaero and Europeana
A Little History of the World Wide Web
Europeana: European Babel Takes on Google Empire
European and global blogosphere: State of the art of an ongoing revolution
The European Blogosphere Wiki
Technorati State of the Blogosphere 2008
Best Weblogs About Media and Journalism
European Commission: Towards a knowledge-based Europe. The European Union and the information society (October, 2002).
Nieman Reports: Goodbye Gutenberg (Winter, 2006)
Orihuela, José Luis: Blogging and the eCommunication Paradigms: 10 principles of the new media scenario (May, 2003).
European Resources for Journalists
European Journalism Centre
EC Audiovisual Service
EU Press Room
Journalists @ Your Service
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