La lista 100 Bloggers es una selección personal de bitácoras en inglés que considero relevante conocer y visitar con frecuencia. Ha sido elaborada tomando como referencia los weblogs más enlazados según el Blogging Ecosystem, aunque he descartado los blogs firmados con seudónimos y los colectivos. Del conjunto resultante escogí los que más me interesan, aunque no sean exactamente 100.
Hay diversos recursos para detectar bitácoras relevantes para la propia comunidad de bloggers, entre otros: Blogdex (The weblog diffusion index), Blogwise (Top Fifty Blogs by Popularity), Daypop (Top 40 Links), Popdex(The website popularity index), y Technorati (Top 100 Interesting Recent Blogs).
Prometo que la próxima lista será 100 Bitácoras (por aquello de promover la blogosfera y para sacarle partido al canal Directorio de Blogs Hispanos).
Dean Allen Textism
Joshua Allen Better Living Through Software
Cameron Barrett CamWorld
Marc Barrot Slam
Firda Beka Weblog Wannabe
Erik Benson Erik Benson |All Consuming
Maggie Berry Mighty Girl
Rebecca Blood Rebecca’s Pocket
Julian Bond VoidStar
Susannah Breslin The reverse cowgirl’s blog
Marc Canter Marc’s Voice
James M. Capozzola The Rittenhouse Review
Tom Coates Plastic Bag
Christian Crumlish Radio Free Blogistan
Adam Curry Adam Curry’s Weblog
Anil Dash Anil Dash
Jonathon Delacour The heart of things
Brad DeLong The Semi-Daily Journal of Economist Brad DeLong
Nick Denton Nick Denton
Martin Devon Patio Pundit
Todd Dominey What do I know
Rael Dornfest Raelity Bytes
Peter Drayton Peter Drayton’s Radio Weblog
Matt Drudge Drudge Report
Caterina Fake
Simon Fell Its just code
Wesley Felter Hack the Planet
Mark Frauenfelder Boing Boing
Jane Galt Asymmetrical Information
William Gibson William Gibson
Dan Gillmor eJournal
Stephen Green VodkaPundit
Ben Hammersley Ben
Mattew Haughey Nothing, and lots of it
Denise M. Howell Bag and Baggage
Meg Hourihan
Joichi Ito Joi Ito’s Web
Jeff Jarvis BuzzMachine
Charles Johnson Little Green Footballs
Mickey Kaus Axes of Evil
Jason Kottke
J.D. Lasica New Media Musings
Ken Layne Ken
Lawrence Lee Tomalak’s Realm
Lawrence Lessig Lessig Blog
Jenny Levine The Shifted Librarian
James Lileks The Bleat
Christopher Locke The EGR Weblog
Rachel Lucas Piquant Rants and Sassy Impudence
Ross Mayfield Ross Mayfield’s Weblog
Megan McArdle Asymmetrical Information
Kymberlie McGuire The Neurotic Fishbowl
Joshua Micah Marshall Talking Points Memo
Patrick Nielsen Hayden Electrolite
Nikolay Nolan Fairvue Central
Lester Norton Solonor’s Ink Well
Paul Palubicki Sgt. Stryker’s Daily Briefing
Sebastien Paquet Seb’s Open Research
Phillip Pearson Blogging Ecosystem |Second P0st
Tony Pierce Busblog
Mark Pilgrim dive into mark
Chris Pirillo C:\pirillo.exe
William Quick Daily Pundit
Eric Raymond Armed and Dangerous
Glenn Reynolds InstaPundit
Phil Ringnalda phil ringnalda dot com
John Robb John Robb’s Radio Weblog
Peter Rojas Gizmodo
Jim Romenesko Romenesko|Obscure Store
Scott Rosenberg Scott Rosenberg’s Links & Comment
Sam Ruby
Doc Searls The Doc Searls Weblog
Rand Simberg Transterrestrial Musings
Brent Simmons Ranchero Software |inessential
Madison Slade
Natalie Solent Natalie Solent
Joel Spolsky Joel on Software
Reid Stott PhotoDude
Halley Suitt Halley’s Comment
Andrew Sullivan Daily Dish
Aaron Swartz Aaron Swartz: The Weblog |Google Weblog
Rannie Turingan Photojunkie
Jon Udell Jon’s Radio
David WeinbergerJoho the Blog
Matt Welch Matt Welch
Donna Wentworth Copyfight: the politics of IP
Kevin Werbach Werblog
Wil Wheaton Dot Net
Evan Williams Evhead
Oliver Willis Oliver Willis
Phillip J. Windley Windley’s Enterprise Computing Weblog
Dave Winer Scripting News|DaveNet|Weblogs at Harvard | Dave’s Handsome Radio Blogs
Phil Wolff a klog apart
Mark Woods wood s lot
Ron Yeani leather egg
Meryl Yourish
Jeremy Zawodny Jeremy Zawodny’s blog
Jeffrey Zeldman The Daily Report
Phillip Pearson en Second p0st: It’s great to see what happens when someone puts a human touch on the totally automated output from the ecosystem.
Jeff Jarvis en BuzzMachine: I’m just proud to be part of this list of 100 Bloggers — it’s a good list, very good company.