La lista de ganadores: 75th Annual Academy Awards Winners List
El discurso de agradecimiento de Pedro Almodóvar:
Oh, my God. I know that to breathe is very expensive tonight, but I have to breathe. Well, first of all, thank you to the members of the Academy, for their generosity. This is, I mean, I don’t know, this is really too much. And I would like to read something that is prohibited, but will be very short. You know, of course I dedicate this to El Deseo, to Sony Pictures Classic and all the people that helped me to make this movie. But I also want to dedicate this award to all the people that are raising their voices in favor of peace, respect of human rights, democracy and international legality. All of which are essential qualities to live. This award is also to them and to Spanish cinema and to all of you, because you are the witness of this wonderful moment of my life. Time’s up. I’m sorry.