BlogStreet incorpora una herramienta de búsqueda en posts: Blog Post Analysis que actualmente dispone de la aplicación Blog Post Search en versión beta y de un buscador/generador de RSS.
One marked difference between websites and weblogs is that while the fundamental unit of a website is a webpage, that of a weblog is a blog-post. But until now all the tools and utilities that deal with weblogs have been treating them as websites. The situation is that for the various blogs related services – permalinks just don’t exist. This makes it difficult to get to the information that exists on a weblog vis-a-vis a website. Its not right to refer to the blog homepage or any of the archive pages when it should be pointing to the permalink.
Los resultados de los búsquedas remiten, en consecuencia a los enlaces permanentes, incluyen un fragmento del post, la fecha y el ranking del blog en BlogStreet.