Otro artículo:
The Good, The Bad, and the BloglyOtra baja:
This will be my last post for a while. I’ve decided to take an extended break from weblogging in order to focus on other projects. I appreciate the attention and feedback my weblog entries have received over the past sixteen months. I’ve met some wonderful people and learned a great deal from the experience. I hope to catch up with you again at some point in the future.
Jonathon Delacour the heart of thingsOtra definición:
Authentic Voice of a Person. Reverse Chronological Order. On the web. These are essential characteristics of a online Journal or weblog.Otro diccionario:
BuzzWhack: The Buzzword Compliant DictionaryOtra encuesta:
The Voice of AmericaOtro manifiesto:
An Annotated Manifesto for GrowthOtro meme:
Reasons For Love at The Neurotic FishbowlOtras palabras:
Teach me Spanish curse wordsOtra pregunta:
Why Ask Questions in Public?Otro test:
What Matrix Persona Are You?Otra tipología:
A Taxonomy of Cognitive StressOtro wiki:
WorldWideWiki – OneBigWiki