Les confieso que fue ella quien me invitó. Hoy descubro por un mensaje en el foro este estupendo artículo: Thirteen Ways To Save Orkut:
1. Change the user agreement.
2. Allow a graduated acquaintance scale. Let users designate “Friends”, “Acquaintances”, “People I Know”, and “People I Admire”.
3. Let anyone be a fan.
4. Stop promoting popularity contests.
5. Allow me to delete birthday reminders.
6. Give users something to do with “Friends of Friends” besides spamming each other.
7. Add “Want” and “Have” categories to user profiles and find a way to search and match them among users.
8. Make all aspects of Orkut more configurable.
9. Allow users to designate more than one industry on their professional profile.
10. Prompt users to add keywords to Communities as they create them.
11. On my home page, show which of my Communities have been updated.
12. Improve your page-to-page navigation.
13. Make “My Network” useful.
La Red está generando una gran cantidad de feedback, al igual que las numerosas comunidades temáticas sobre Orkut dentro de Orkut. Confiemos en que Orkut las escuche.