Ya se ha publicado la relación de finalistas de los Bloggies 2005. Los 5 candidatos que compiten en cada categoría fueron escogidos, entre los más votados, por un panel de 150 bloggers (en el que tuve el gusto de participar).
También están en marcha los III Premios Anuales de bitácoras en español Las mejores bitácoras de 2004, organizados este vez por Bitacoras.com (ver anteriores).
Actualización: A la vista del que el sitio de los Bloggies2005 ha resultado inaccesible durante el día, sigue la relación de finalistas.
Best Meme (A replicating idea that spread about weblogs): Flickr, Podcasting, The Grey Album, Is My Blog Burning?, Photo Friday.
Best Article or Essay About Weblogs: New Kids on the Blog, Random Reality Bites, Blogs, Bandwidth, and Banjos: Tightly Knit Bonds in Weblogging, How to Blog, Warning: Blogs Can Be Infectious.
Best Web Application for Weblogs (Something that helps you publish, make comments, anything that has to do with developing a weblog): HaloScan, Del.icio.us, Movable Type, Flickr, MT-Blacklist.
Best Australian or New Zealand Weblog: Bizgirl, What’s New, Pussycat?, Boudist, Spiceblog, Kitta.net.
Best Asian Weblog (Weblogs from Asia, not including the Middle East): Weblog Wannabe, Noodle Pie, Tokyo Times, Xiaxue, Life in Mono.
Best African or Middle Eastern Weblog: 360 Degrees of Sky, A Family in Baghdad, Subzero Blue, Benn Loxo du Tàccu, Where Is Raed?
Best European Weblog (Weblogs from Europe, not including the United Kingdom and Ireland): My Boyfriend Is a Twat, Papel Continuo, Chocolate and Zucchini, La Coquette, Near Near Future.
Best British or Irish Weblog (Weblogs from the United Kingdom and Ireland): GreenFairyDotCom, Londonist, Hicksdesign, PlasticBag.org, London Underground Tube Blog.
Best Latin American Weblog: Isopixel, Overcaffeinated, Bibi’s Box, Denken Über, KnowProSE.com.
Best Canadian Weblog: Marmalade.ca, Bacon and Eh’s, Photojunkie, The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century, ChromeWaves.net.
Best American Weblog (Weblogs from the United States): Dooce, Go Fug Yourself, Eschaton, Tequila Mockingbird, Wonkette.
Best Tagline of a Weblog: Pesky’Apostrophe: «Always better than an unexpected period», Scaryduck: «Not scary, not a duck», The Gospel According to Rhys: «Chronologically inept since 2060», Dooce: «Not your average clenched-cheek sprint to the bathroom», Random Acts of Reality: «Trying to kill as few people as possible…»
Best Photography of a Weblog (Photoblogs and other weblogs that regularly feature photography): Rion.nu, Satan’s Laundromat, The Narrative, The Snowsuit Effort, Daily Dose of Imagery.
Best Non-Weblog Content of a Weblog Site (Many sites contain more that just a weblog. This is for those pages with something extra): WorldChanging, The Soxaholix, Siteway, The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog, Gothamist.
Best Food Weblog: TastingMenu, Simply Recipes, The Food Section, 100 Cookbooks, Cooking for Engineers.
Best Entertainment Weblog (Weblogs about music, movies, television, and/or theatre): Stereogum, Largehearted Boy, Defamer, Fluxblog, Whatevs (Dot Org).
Best Weblog About Politics: Low Culture, WatchBlog, Wonkette, 1115.org, Pandagon.net.
Best Web Development Weblog (Weblogs completely about Web design and development): SimpleBits, Mezzoblue, Stylegala, ScriptyGoddess, 456 Berea Street.
Best Computers or Technology Weblog (Weblogs about computers and/or technology, other than Web design): Slashdot, Engadget, Daring Fireball, Near Near Future, Gizmodo.
Best Topical Weblog (Weblogs with a definite topic other than the ones in the categories above): The Policeman’s Blog, Treehugger, London Underground Tube Blog, The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog, Bookslut.
Best GLBT Weblog (Webloggers in the gay/lesbian/bisexual/ transgendered community): How to Learn Swedish in 1000 Difficult Lessons, SistersTalk, Tranniefesto, Troubled Diva, Hot Toddy’s Toaster Oven.
Most Humorous Weblog: Go Fug Yourself, Geese Aplenty, Davezilla.com, Dooce, Defective Yeti.
Best Writing of a Weblog (Weblogs with great writing, from personal journaling to professional journalism): Real E Fun, Tequila Mockingbird, Londonmark, Dooce, Greek Tragedy.
Best Group Weblog (Weblogs written by an exclusive group): Go Fug Yourself, Popgadget, Boing Boing, Low Culture, A Fistful of Euros.
Best Community Weblog (Weblogs where everyone is invited to post): Slashdot, Overheard in New York, MonkeyFilter, MetaFilter, Fark.com.
Best-Designed Weblog: Karen Cheng, Jason Santa Maria, Loobylu, Brookelyn.org, ShaunInman.com.
Best-Kept-Secret Weblog (The best underrepresented weblogs): Manhattan Transfer, Mixed Media Watch, Susan Mernit’s Blog, Teaching the Indie Kids to Dance Again, He Looks Like…
Best New Weblog (Weblogs that began during the year 2004): Petite Anglaise, He Looks Like…, Preshrunk, The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog, Defamer.
Lifetime Achievement (Webloggers who have been blogging at least since January 1, 2001. This award can only be won once, so Jeffrey Zeldman, Evan Williams, Jason Kottke, and Heather Champ are not eligible): Tom Coates, Ernie Hsiung, Meg Hourihan, Derek Powazek, Firda Beka.
Weblog of the Year (This is it: the category for the best weblog overall): Gawker, This Fish Needs a Bicycle, Wonkette, Boing Boing, The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog, Gothamist.